In a world that often celebrates emotional restraint, it’s easy to fall into the trap of bottling up your feelings. While it might seem like a temporary solution, suppressing emotions can lead to a range of physical, mental, and interpersonal dangers that are often underestimated. Let’s delve into the hidden perils of bottling up your […]
Several mental health related terms get used casually with a lack of understanding of their true meaning and while sometimes it can have the effect of trivialising conditions, other times it can be more about using words interchangeably. One such case is that of the words ‘worry’, ‘fear’ and ‘anxiety’ that can often be seen […]
A quality rest is essential to a quality day. While it’s true that people seem to be finding it harder to get sleep over the last few months, we’ve got some tips for restful sleep that would hold good at all times. Practice some or all of the following to help regularize your sleep habits. […]
This pandemic period has seen an unfortunate increase in the number of people seeking therapy. Most of them complain that they sleep less as compared to pre-Covid days. Worrying about the unprecedented imbalance and inconsistency in our lives has contributed to disrupted or fragmented sleep. What’s been going on? · Anxious thoughts When […]