Our self-esteem is established through a comparison between who we are and who we think we should be. For most of us, our self-worth is determined largely by our self-esteem and that is not always healthy. Here’s why: The evaluation of who we are and who we think we should be has several influencing factors […]
Resilience is the ability to endure and cope with big life stressors and difficulties. It involves having the mental capacity to handle tough situations so that one is more capable to get through them and return to feelings of normalcy quicker. Here are some ways to build a more resilient foundation: i. Self-compassion – Be […]
Letting go usually happens as a last resort, after you have exhausted the resources you could use to see change or make a difference. It’s a difficult journey but the focus is on you and what it makes you feel. It may seem paradoxical, but letting go rather than holding on to something or someone […]