Loneliness can become a habit, if unchecked; it is imperative we deal with feelings of loneliness when they crop up. What we need is to move from a place of loneliness to a place of solitude. Solitude is where we find ourselves at peace with ourselves and with others. We can achieve this sense of solitude through:

Taking up old hobbies
We’ve put many passions on hold because realities of daily life would make us feel like we had no time for them. Using the current period to rediscover old interests would be a great best way to get in touch with who we are.

Joining online activity groups
Becoming part of online groups where you share similar passions with others would be a good start to finding like-minded people that you could connect with. Online art and book clubs are currently trending as people look for new avenues to do what they love surrounded by community. 

Checking in with loved ones
Enhancing family ties and existing bonds by checking in with them to see how they have been getting along in this time. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up with our downward spirals that we may forget that others are also probably silent strugglers. So, reach out and offer a listening ear!

Not bottling up your feelings
Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and express your fears or disappointments to your loved ones or by noting them down in a journal. Keeping them inside will only add to the feeling that no one cares and it’s hard to gauge that accurately if you aren’t opening up to those you’re close to. So you could share the uncomfortable parts of your life with them or use a journal to work through the discomfort by engaging your thoughts.

Accepting the uncertainty
We cannot predict when next we would meet our loved ones and so, get angry at how unfair life has become yet we know it’s out of our control. Accepting that we can only work with what we have at our disposal will give us both a sense of peace and control, as well as allow us to send our energy on what we can make a difference in.

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