Procrastination is quite paradoxical. We do it when we want a break and not focus on something that requires our attention but when we procrastinate, it can be incredibly frustrating. We are neither completely at peace since we keep reminding ourselves of what we have to do, nor are we actively spending time working on the task. Here are some ways to stay focused the next time there’s something on your to-do list:

Keep the end in sight – Reflecting on what we are looking forward to upon completing our task is a good first step. When we place our goals at the forefront, we don’t lose focus on what we are trying to accomplish and it becomes easier to wade through the blocks that spring up. Placing sticky notes on a mirror or reminders on our phones could bring us back to the end goals.

Immediate vs delayed gratification – Immediate gratification takes place when we make choices that give us satisfaction in the present versus delayed gratification that takes place when we make the conscious choice to hold on for greater rewards. When we choose to watch our favourite show over completing a project, we choose immediate gratification. Choosing the tougher decision of holding out for a deferred reward would be helpful in working through the procrastination.

Set rewards in place – While we want to wait for delayed gratification, it’s not a bad idea to keep small rewards for ourselves in place for when we fulfil that day’s work. It does not need to be an indulgence but it can be simple incentives to keep us going like having a small snack, watching tv for a little extra time than we would or getting a nap in when we are done.

Remove distractions – This is easier said than done, especially when the distractions can be so enticing. Looking around our work environment and putting aside things that can get in the way of our focus can be helpful. If removing the distraction completely gets difficult, try keeping them just a little out of reach rather than completely away. For example, while maybe our phones can get distracting, we may also need to access it for work so achieving a balance of keeping it far enough that it becomes work to access it rather but close enough that it won’t be a task to get to it.

Rejuvenate – Procrastination might also be a sign that there needs to be better balance with the work that we do and the rest we get. Find time to refresh and find a way to prioritise it. While we schedule in time for work that needs to get done, we shouldn’t ignore our needs to take a breather. Penning down time to relax such as going for a walk, listening to some music or spending time with friends could be a great way to feel energised.

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