Letting go usually happens as a last resort, after you have exhausted the resources you could use to see change or make a difference. It’s a difficult journey but the focus is on you and what it makes you feel. It may seem paradoxical, but letting go rather than holding on to something or someone provides you with more peace and less anxiety. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you do:
i. Accept things the way they are – This is definitely one of those things that are much easier said than done. Acceptance is more about you than it is about the person, situation, memory or thing that you want to let go of. Allow yourself to come to terms with how things are and how you may not be able to do the things you had planned.
ii. Remind yourself why you decided to – It’s hard to imagine letting go of things that you once held onto quite dearly but remembering the toll it took on your happiness and future would help reinforce the desire to change things. Sometimes holding onto things can make it harder to carve a new path for yourself so keeping your goals and objectives in mind can help you focus on all the benefits letting go provides you with in your situation.
iii. Shift your energy towards other areas – When most of your energy would have gone into activities that stood in the way of you letting go, it would now be important to find things to do to channel your energy elsewhere or risk finding yourself going back to old habits or patterns. Look for other aspects of your life that you can devote your time to – working on a new project, spending time with people you haven’t, joining a book club, etc.
iv. Show yourself compassion – You may find yourself at an impasse many times or find certain emotions or thoughts being triggered by something with regards to what you’re letting go off. Notice what warning signs your body and mind point to when facing the subject/object of your hurt. Cut yourself some slack because letting go is a slow and painful process at first but becomes a lot easier with time. Showing yourself some compassion really goes a long way and gives you the much-needed support you require to move forward.