People have been aiming to find an answer for the simple question of “What does it mean to be a human being?” for centuries, ranging from philosophers to politicians. While some have made promising advances in our understanding of the human experience (such as Charles Darwin with his theory of evolution and Jean Piaget’s work on understanding cognitive development), the most influential form of understanding ourselves is done ourselves. To try understanding the various internal forces at play within each individual, producing unique manifestations in behaviours and emotions  – it is important to fully embrace ‘being’.

Some of the things to remember as a human being (and not a human ‘doing’) are:

1. We are inherently imperfect. Whether they are quite literal physical errors resulting from mutations in our genes or self-deception from overthinking, they can be means to progress toward a greater purpose of wholly accepting ourselves as we come. 

2. We are constantly changing. The way we think, act and experience the monotony of life is heavily influenced by our insecurities, past struggles and successes. Essentially, we are what we experience. 

3. Sometimes, we fail. As the world around us progresses, technologically and socially – we are bound to slip in the cracks of uncertainty. But, we are provided with the qualities of persistence and resilience that help get us back up. 

4. Life is never a roller coaster that’s only going upwards. Instead, it’s one with many ups and downs, backward loops and freefalls. The way to approach the variability is by implementing balance in our own lives. Our bodies need balance and they have ways of informing us when we are losing it. 

5. We tend to attribute our worth to our accomplishments. So, we end up prioritising every possible task over our health and well-being. When we recognise our ability to ‘just be’, we gain insight and understanding in the way we exist as human beings. 

What would you do if you had nothing to do? 

By Sonia Raheja

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